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Collection templates: Default and grid

By default Cascade's collection pages are in a cascading layout with alternating product shots side by side. Cascade also comes with a more standard designed grid template.

How to set a Collection to use the grid template

You can select the grid template from the list of available templates on the Collection page in the admin:

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After you've selected that, you can then also edit how many items per row if you navigate to that collection in the admin:

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If Cascade is an unpublished theme, then the template will not be available for selecting (Shopify is a bit clunky this way) - to get around this you can do one of these:

  • Set Cascade as the published theme, then you should be able to choose that template

  • If you're not ready to publish Cascade yet, then edit your live theme and add a new template called "collection.grid.liquid" - then you should be able to choose that. See the following screencast:

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How to make the Grid layout the default Collection template

If you want to have the grid template as the default collection layout, follow these steps:

  1. Go into the code editor for the theme, you should see a screen like this:

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  2. Open "collection.liquid" and "collection.grid.liquid"

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  3. In "collection.liquid" replace the whole file with this line of code and save the file:

    {% section 'collection-template\_\_grid' %}

  4. In "collection.grid.liquid" replace the whole file with this line of code and save the file:

    {% section 'collection-template' %}

  5. Rename "collection.grid.liquid" to "collection.list.liquid"

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  6. Open "collection-template.liquid" from inside the Snippets folder:

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  7. In line 12, add the word "grid" between the two single quote marks so it looks like this:

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  8. In lines 13 and 14, replace the word 'grid' with 'list' so it looks like this:

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  9. Save the file and you're done! Now you have grid as your default layout but the Cascading "list" layout is still an option as an additional template.