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Image split with overlay

This guide describes setting up an Image split with overlay section.

Use the section to display two images, overlaid with text, on a store page.

An example Image split with overlay section on a store's home page.

The previous image shows an Image split with overlay section on a store's home page. In the lower left, part of Theme editor's section menu is displayed. The menu's Width on desktop option is set at Two fifths. This setting specifies the width of the first image, inside the section, on desktop display devices.

For general guidance with modifying sections, refer to Sections overview and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

Set up an image split with overlay section

To set up an Image split with overlay section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select a page that contains an Image split with overlay section. For example, select the Home page.


    The section can be added into any page, except Checkout and Giftcard pages. To add the section into the current page, select Add section > Image split with overlay. Refer to Shopify help: Add a section.

  2. From the side menu, select Image split with overlay.

    An Image split with overlay section selected in Theme editor.

  3. Select a setting described in the following table.

Setting nameDescription
First image > ImageUse the (first) Image selector options to setup an image to display inside the section. Refer to Edit an image inside a section or block.
First image > Image > Connect dynamic sourceTo display an image from a dynamic source, if available, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the (first) Image selector, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
First image > Width on desktopSelect the dropdown Width on desktop to set a width for the section's (first) image. The options are One third, Two fifths, One half, Three fifths, and Two thirds. This setting applies to desktop display devices.
First image > Indent imageSelect the Indent image checkbox to add/remove the spacing that's displayed around the (first) image.
First image > Indent background colorUse the dropdown Indent background color to set a background color for the spacing that's displayed around the (first) image. To use this setting, set the First image > Indent image option to on. Set the background color to Follow section color scheme. Alternatively, set the color to the (section) color scheme's Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary background color.
Second image > ImageUse the (second) Image selector options to setup an image to display inside the section. Refer to Edit an image inside a section or block.
Second image > Image > Connect dynamic sourceTo display an image from a dynamic source, if available, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the (second) Image selector, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
Second image > Indent imageSelect the Indent image checkbox to add/remove the spacing that's displayed around the (second) image.
Second image > Indent background colorUse the dropdown Indent background color to set a background color for the spacing that's displayed around the (second) image. To use this setting, set the Second image > Indent image option to on. Set the background color to Follow section color scheme. Alternatively, set the color to the (section) color scheme's Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary background color.
Content > HeadingIn the Heading box, enter text to display as a heading (title) inside the section.
Content > Heading > Connect dynamic sourceTo display heading text from a dynamic source, if available, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the Heading box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
Content > Mobile font size scaleUse the Mobile font size scale slider to specify a size for (content) text inside the section. This setting applies to mobile display devices. The slider ranges from -2 to 7.
Content > Desktop font size scaleUse the Desktop font size scale slider to specify a size for (content) text inside the section. This setting applies to desktop display devices. The slider ranges from -2 to 10.
Content > TextIn the Text box, enter (body) text to display inside the section's text area. Format the text and add links by using the Text editor pane.
Content > Text > Insert dynamic sourceTo display (body) text from a dynamic source, if available, select the icon Insert dynamic source beside the Text box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
Content > Show scroll down arrowSelect the checkbox Show scroll down arrow to show/hide an arrow (down) icon inside the section.
Layout > Aspect ratio – mobileUse the Image aspect ratio - mobile options to set the width-to-height ratio for images inside the section to Full screen or Natural. This setting applies to mobile display devices.
Layout > Aspect ratio – desktopUse the dropdown Aspect ratio – desktop to set the width-to-height ratio for images inside the section. The options are Classic (4:3), Widescreen (16:9), Cinematic (2.35:1), and Full screen. This setting applies to desktop display devices.
Layout > Content positionUse the Content position dropdown to set a position for the section's content area. The options are Middle left, Middle center, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom center, and Bottom right.
Layout > Text alignmentUse the Text alignment options to align text inside the section to the Left, Center, or Right.
Layout > Display content below image on mobileSelect the checkbox Display content below image on mobile turn on/off displaying the section's content area below the image. The setting applies to mobile display devices. With this setting off, the content area overlays the image.
Color > Color schemeUse the Color scheme options to select a color scheme for the section. Refer to Colors.
Color > Disable transitionSelect the checkbox Disable transition to turn on/off overriding the color transitions set in the section's theme settings.
Custom CSSSelect Custom CSS. In the box, enter custom CSS styles to apply only to the current section. Refer to Shopify help: Add custom CSS. To apply custom styles to your entire online store, refer to Theme settings > Custom CSS.
Remove sectionSelect Remove section to delete the section from the current page.

Configure a block within an image split with overlay section

A default Image split with overlay section contains no blocks. To configure a block inside the section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select a page that contains an Image split with overlay section.

  2. From the side menu, expand the Image split with overlay section menu.

  3. To configure an existing block, select the block from the side menu.

    To add a new block, select Add block, choose a block to add, and then select the block you added.

    The Image split with overlay section's Add block menu in Theme editor.


    Inside the section, you can add, remove, show, hide, or move blocks. Refer to Configure blocks inside a section, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

  4. Apply a block setting described in the Table: Image split with overlay blocks.

Table: Image split with overlay blocks

The following table describes the blocks inside the Image split with overlay section, and their corresponding settings.

To configure a block, refer to Configure a block within an image split with overlay section.

Block nameBlock descriptionBlock setting(s)
ButtonDisplays a button inside the section.
  • In the Link box, enter a URL or select a link to a store page. The link opens when a store visitor selects the button. To remove a link, select the X icon inside the text box.

  • To display a link from a dynamic source, if available, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the Link box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.

  • In the Text box, enter text to display as label text for the button. To use this setting, add a link into the Link box.

  • To display label text from a dynamic source, if available, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the Text box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.

  • Use the Style options to set a style for the (link) button to Solid or Border.

  • Select Remove block to delete the block from the current section.
ColorAdds an overlay, with a specified color, to the section.
  • To set a color for the overlay, select Color, and then choose a color using the color picker, or enter a hex color value, or select a Currently used color.

  • To set a color for the overlay using a dynamic source, select the Connect dynamic source icon beside the Color option, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.

  • Adjust the Opacity slider to make the overlay more or less transparent. The slider ranges from 0 to 100.

  • Select Remove block to delete the block from the current section.
CSS backgroundAdds an overlay, with a specified (CSS) color gradient, to the section.
  • To apply a preset color gradient to the overlay, select CSS Background > Gradient, and then choose a preset color gradient. Use the color gradient settings to configure the gradient. Alternatively, to configure a preset gradient by editing the gradient's CSS code, select a preset gradient, choose CSS Background > CSS, and then edit the contents of the CSS code box. To remove a color gradient, select Remove gradient.

  • To use CSS code to specify a color gradient for the overlay, choose CSS Background > CSS, and then add CSS code into the CSS code box. To remove a color gradient, select Remove gradient.

  • Adjust the Opacity slider to make the overlay more or less transparent. The slider ranges from 0 to 100.

  • Select Remove block to delete the block from the current section.