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Set up the Photography preset

This guide describes how to set up your store's home page to match the appearance of our Demo store for Exhibit theme's "Photography" preset Theme style.

Example Homepage that displays Exhibit's Photography preset Theme style with Theme editor's home page sections menu.


Before you follow this guide:

  1. Download and install Exhibit theme from Shopify's Theme store. Refer to Install Exhibit.

  2. Use Theme editor's Theme settings to set your store to Exhibit's Photography preset Theme style. Refer to Theme style.

To match your store's home page to our Exhibit Photography Demo store, in Theme editor's home page sections menu, configure each section according to the following specifications. After you've applied our specifications, your store's home page sections menu should look similar to the menu in the previous image.


If a specification does not provide a value for a particular section, block or Theme setting, use the setting's default value. For example, this article does not provide a specification for the home page's Newsletter section. So, to match your store to our demo store, do not change the default Newsletter section settings.

For guidance with adding, removing, hiding, and rearranging sections and blocks, refer to Shopify help: Sections and blocks. For more information about Exhibit's sections and blocks, refer to Sections overview.

Select Save regularly, to avoid loosing your changes.

Static sections specifications

In Theme editor's home page sections menu, apply the following specifications to Exhibit's Static sections.

Content sections specifications

In Theme editor's home page sections menu, apply the following specifications to Exhibit's Content sections.

Hide or remove the following Content sections:

  • Featured collection
  • Text columns
  • Collection list
  • Scrolling text
  • Media with text overlay
  • Collection carousel 2 (lower)

Template sections specifications

In Theme editor's home page sections menu, apply the following specifications to Exhibit's Template sections.

Example Exhibit logo SVG code

The following SVG code is a custom logo from our Exhibit theme's Photography demo store. Copy the SVG code and use it in your store to recreate our custom logo.

<svg width="2001" height="398" viewBox="0 0 2001 398" fill="none" xmlns="">
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Color scheme Theme settings

In Theme settings > Colors, configure the Color schemes as described in the following table.

Color scheme setting nameScheme 1Scheme 2Scheme 3Scheme 4Scheme 5
Accent contrast#1C1C1C#1C1C1C#FFFFFF#000000#FFFFFF