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Video with logo overlay ​

This guide describes the Video with logo overlay section.

For general guidance with modifying sections, refer to Sections overview, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

Configure the Video with logo overlay section ​

To configure your Video with logo overlay section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select a page that contains a Video with logo overlay section.


    The section can be added into any page, except Giftcard and Customer pages. To add the section into the current page, select Add section > Video with logo overlay. Refer to Shopify help: Add a section.

  2. From the side menu, select Video with logo overlay.

  3. Select a setting described in the following table.

Setting nameDescription
Video > VideoUse the Video selector to select a video.
Video > StyleUse the Style options to select Inset or Full.
Aspect ratio > Aspect ratio – mobileUse the Aspect ratio – mobile options to select Natural, Vertical (9:16), Square (1:1), Standard (4:3) or Full screen.
Aspect ratio > Aspect ratio – desktopUse the Aspect ratio – desktop options to select Natural, Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9), Extra wide (2.35:1) or Full screen.
Logo > Logo imageUse the Logo image picker to select an image.
Logo > Logo max widthAdjust the Logo max width slider between 40 and 100 percent.
Content > LinkIn the Link box, enter a URL or select a link to a page.
Content > Button textIn the Button text text box, enter text to display.
Color > Color schemeUse the Color scheme selector to select a color scheme.
Color > Theme settings (link)Follow the Theme settings link to open Theme editor's Color theme settings. Use the settings to edit the theme colors for your entire store.
Color > Use gradient for backgroundSet the Use gradient for background checkbox to on or off.
Theme settingsIf available, select Theme settings to access additional settings for the section. Refer to Section theme settings menu.
Custom CSSSelect Custom CSS. In the box, enter custom CSS styles to apply only to the current section. Refer to Shopify help: Add custom CSS. To apply custom styles to your entire online store, refer to Theme settings > Custom CSS.
Remove sectionSelect Remove section to delete the section from the current page.

Configure a block within a Video with logo overlay section ​

To configure a block for your Video with logo overlay section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select a page that contains a Video with logo overlay section.

  2. From the side menu, expand the Video with logo overlay section menu.

  3. To configure an existing block, select the block from the side menu.

    To add a new block, select Add block-name, and then select the block you added.


    Inside the section, you can add, remove, show, hide, and move blocks. Refer to Configure blocks inside a section, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

  4. Apply a block setting described in the following table.

Block nameBlock descriptionBlock setting(s)
StickerOverlays the section with a stylized sticker.Refer to Stickers.
Shape dividerDisplays a stylized separator between the current section and the next/previous section.Refer to Shape divider.