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Call to action sticker ​

This guide describes the Call to action sticker section.

For general guidance with modifying sections, refer to Sections overview, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

Configure the Call to action sticker section ​

To configure your Call to action sticker section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select the Home page.


    The section is accessible from all pages, excluding the Checkout, Gift card, and Password pages.

  2. From the side menu, select Call to action sticker.

  3. Select a setting described in the following table.

Setting nameDescription
Home page onlySet the Home page only checkbox to on or off.
Animate in after first sectionSet the Animate in after first section checkbox to on or off.
TextIn the Text text box, enter text to display.
LinkIn the Link box, enter a URL or select a link to a store page.
ShapeUse the Shape options to select a shape. For example, select Default, Circle, Rounded nonagon, or Pixelated. Selecting some shapes will crop the image.
WidthAdjust the Width slider between 100 and 200 px.
PositionUse the Position options to select Left or Right.
Font sizeUse the Font size options to select Extra small, Small, Medium, Large or Extra large.
Custom image > ImageUse the Image picker to select an image.
Position > RotateAdjust the Rotate slider between -90 and 90 deg.
Position > Enable rotation animationSet the Enable rotation animation checkbox to on or off.
Mobile > Show on mobileSet the Show on mobile checkbox to on or off.
Color > Color schemeUse the Color scheme selector to select a color scheme.
Color > Theme settings (link)Follow the Theme settings link to open Theme editor's Color theme settings. Use the settings to edit the theme colors for your entire store.
Color > Background colorUse the Background color options to select Text, Accent 1, Accent 2, Card, Background or Gradient.
Theme settingsIf available, select Theme settings to access additional settings for the section. Refer to Section theme settings menu.
Custom CSSSelect Custom CSS. In the box, enter custom CSS styles to apply only to the current section. Refer to Shopify help: Add custom CSS. To apply custom styles to your entire online store, refer to Theme settings > Custom CSS.